Category Archives: Colorado

March 30, 2015

Drafting Employee Handbook Policies That Pass NLRB Muster


By Brian Mumaugh 

All employers, union and non-union alike, should think about making a thorough review of their employee handbook and policies in light of a recent report on employer workplace rules by the National Labor Relations Board’s (NLRB’s) General Counsel, Richard Griffin. In his report, Griffin describes a variety of employment policies that the Board has found unlawful and offers the Board’s reasoning as to why. He also points out acceptable policies and explains what wording or context made that policy lawful. The bottom line: a single word or phrase can, in this Board’s view, make the difference between an acceptable policy or one that violates the National Labor Relations Act (NLRA). 

Overly Broad Handbook Policies Can Chill Employees’ Rights 

The Board has long taken the position that even neutrally worded employment policies can violate the NLRA if they have a chilling effect on the right of employees to engage in protected concerted activities. These activities, referred to as Section 7 activities, include discussing wages, benefits, and other terms and conditions of employment with other employees and with outside parties, such as government agencies, union representatives and the news media. 

In his March 18th Report, GC Griffin explains that the majority of policies found by the Board to violate the NLRA, were unlawful because employees could reasonably construe the language of the rule as prohibiting or infringing on Section 7 activities. Consequently, many well-intentioned, seemingly common-sense policies prove problematic for employers due to their possible interpretation as limiting an employee’s right to discuss their pay or working conditions with others.

Handbook Policies That Result in Violations 

The report sets out eight categories of work rules that frequently violate the NLRA and then distinguishes between unacceptable and acceptable language for such rules. The categories and the unlawful aspects of each may be summarized as follows: 

  • Confidentiality Policies: may not prohibit employees from discussing their wages, hours, workplace complaints or other personal information; prohibiting the disclosure of the company’s confidential information may be acceptable;
  • Employee Conduct Toward the Company and Supervisors: may not prohibit employees from engaging in negative, disrespectful or rude behavior or other conduct that may harm the company’s business or reputation; prohibiting employees from disparaging the company’s products, or requiring employees to be respectful to customers, vendors and competitors will typically be acceptable;
  • Conduct Toward Fellow Employees: may not prohibit “all” negative, derogatory, insulting or inappropriate comments between employees as that may interfere with the employees’ right to argue and debate with each other about management, unions and the terms and conditions of their employment; requiring employees to treat each other professionally and with respect as well as banning harassing and discriminatory conduct will typically be lawful;
  • Interactions with Third Parties: may not completely ban employees from talking to the media or government agencies; a policy noting that employees are not authorized to speak on behalf of the company without authorization may be considered lawful;
  • Restricting the Use of Company Logos, Copyrights and Trademarks: may not prohibit all use of company logos and intellectual property because the NLRB upholds employees’ right to use company names, logos and trademarks on picket signs, leaflets and other protest materials; policies that require employees to respect all copyright and intellectual property laws is acceptable;
  • Restricting Photos and Recordings: may not ban employees from taking pictures or making recordings on company property; a policy may limit the scope of such a prohibition depending on a competing protective right (such as a healthcare facility protecting patient privacy by limiting photos of patients);
  • Restrictions on Leaving Work: because employees have the right to go on strike, a policy that prohibits employees from “walking off the job” will be unlawful; policies stating that failure to report for a scheduled shift or leaving early without permission as grounds for discipline may be acceptable; and
  • Conflict-of-Interest Policies: policy may not ban any activity “that is not in the company’s best interest;” policies that give examples of what constitutes a conflict-of-interest, such as having a financial or ownership interest in a customer, supplier or competitor, or exploiting one’s position for personal gain will likely be lawful. 

Few Bright Lines for Lawful Policies 

The report goes on to offer analysis of additional policies dealing with topics such as handbook disclosure, social media and employee conduct related to a particular employer who agreed to revise their policies as part of a settlement agreement with the NLRB. You may have similar policies in your handbook, making it worthwhile to read what policy language the Board considers problematic and what may pass muster. The takeaway, however, is that the lawfulness of many policies may turn on a single word or phrase.  At the present time, it is unclear whether GC Griffin’s report will withstand legal challenge.  The best advice is that given the report and its contents, it is important to take time to review your handbook and compare your wording to the examples provided in the report. Although the report is not a legally binding interpretation of the NLRA, it can help you make an informed decision about the risks involved in including certain provisions in your employee handbook.

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March 26, 2015

Supreme Court: Pregnant Worker With Lifting Restrictions May Continue Lawsuit

Biggs_JBy Jude Biggs 

In a divided decision, on March 25, 2015, the U.S. Supreme Court released a long-awaited ruling involving a pregnant worker’s claim under the Pregnancy Discrimination Act (PDA). In its ruling, the Court held that the worker could proceed with her lawsuit, because disputes remain as to whether her employer treated more favorably at least some non-pregnant employees whose situation could not reasonably be distinguished from hers.

The majority of the Court forcefully rejected the 2014 guidance of the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) concerning the application of Title VII and the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) to the PDA, as it fell short on a number of fronts needed to “give it power to persuade.” Without ruling for either party, the Court adopted a new standard for courts to use when deciding PDA cases brought under a disparate treatment theory. Young v. UPS, 575 U.S. ___ (2015).  

Despite the Court’s guidance, employers still will face many questions on what accommodations will be required in the future. The standards for “disparate treatment” and “disparate impact” cases may be more confusing in the future for employers who need to make decisions regarding whether and how to accommodate pregnant employees. As a result, employers are wise to respond carefully to accommodation requests by pregnant workers. Employers should review any policies that might have a disproportionate effect on pregnant workers, such as rules limiting job accommodations. In addition, employers should be careful to review restrictions on use of sick pay/sick time, leave eligibility outside of FMLA, lifting restrictions, and light duty assignments to determine: (1) if they disparately affect pregnant employees while accommodating others; and (2) what “strong” business rationale you can offer to defend the distinction.

For additional analysis of the Court's opinion and what it means for employers, please see our full article here.

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March 23, 2015

FMLA and FLSA Lawsuits Are Increasing

Wiletsky_MBy Mark Wiletsky 

The U.S. federal courts saw a whopping 26.3 percent increase in the number of Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA) lawsuits filed last year over the prior fiscal year, according to statistics recently released by the Administrative Office of the U.S. Courts. Wage and hour lawsuits alleging a violation of the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) were up a significant 8.8 percent. These filings are the highest they’ve been in the past 20 years of annual statistics reported by the courts. 

The increasing numbers of lawsuits brought under those two employment laws may reflect how difficult it is to understand and administer wage and hour and leave laws. The increase also may be due to the heightened awareness by workers of their rights and benefits under these laws. Regardless of the cause of the increase, the numbers suggest that it is worthwhile for employers to focus their compliance efforts in these two areas. 

Self-Audit Your Pay and Leave Practices 

Before you find yourself defending a lawsuit, take the time to review your payroll and FMLA policies and practices, including these often tricky issues: 

  • Classifying workers as exempt versus non-exempt from minimum wage and overtime pay requirements
  • Calculating each non-exempt employee’s regular rate of pay and overtime rate
  • Rounding time at the beginning and end of shifts
  • Automatic deductions for meal periods
  • Treating workers as independent contractors rather than employees
  • Tracking time worked remotely or “off-the-clock”
  • Providing FMLA notices within required time period
  • Calculating FMLA leave for workers with irregular schedules
  • Administering intermittent FMLA leave
  • Not penalizing employees who have taken FMLA leave 

If your self-audit reveals any irregularities, take steps to revise your policies and practices to bring them into compliance with the applicable laws. Don’t forget state and local laws that may impose additional requirements related to pay and leave administration. If in doubt, don’t hesitate to consult with your legal counsel so that you don’t become one of next year’s statistics.

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March 12, 2015

EEOC Strategic Enforcement Priorities: More Insight from Denver’s Director (Part Two)

Biggs_JBy Jude Biggs  

As we wrote last week, John Lowrie, the new director of the EEOC’s Denver Field Office, recently offered insight into the agency’s national Strategic Enforcement Plan (SEP) and how his office will approach those enforcement goals. Here is the second article in the series exploring the third and fourth priorities in the EEOC’s SEP. 

Priority #3 – Developing Issues 

Field Director Lowrie explained the EEOC and its individual field offices are working to advance a number of developing issues. These include: 

  • Reasonable ADA accommodations – one example is telecommuting, where an employee’s physical presence at the company is not an essential job function. The EEOC has successfully pursued this in a case against the Ford Motor Company but the case is being reexamined by the full Sixth Circuit Court of Appeals so may not stand.
  • Pregnancy discrimination – Mr. Lowrie discussed the lengthy Pregnancy Discrimination Act (PDA) enforcement guidance issued last July. The guidance document contains many hypothetical situations that the agency deems would violate the PDA as well as a section on employer best practices.
  • Title VII accommodations – Mr. Lowrie pointed to the Abercrombie & Fitch religious accommodation case which is currently before the U.S. Supreme Court as an example of how the agency looks to ensure employers make reasonable accommodations for characteristics protected by Title VII. At issue in the Abercrombie case is whether a Muslim job applicant who wore a headscarf to her job interview and was denied employment was required to request a reasonable accommodation on religious grounds in light of the company’s “look policy” which would not have permitted wearing the headscarf at work. 

Priority #4 – Equal Pay Act 

The fourth priority in the EEOC’s SEP is enforcement of the Equal Pay Act (EPA). Mr. Lowrie noted that Jenny Yang, who was appointed as the EEOC’s new chairperson last September, had made a recent visit to the Denver field office during which she specifically mentioned EPA issues to the Denver investigators and staff. Because equal pay issues are high on the Chair’s agenda, charges involving allegations of unequal pay based on gender will receive additional attention by EEOC investigators and attorneys. 

Mr. Lowrie also noted that Wyoming is the worst state in the nation for pay disparity issues. Because the Denver field office has jurisdiction over Wyoming (as well as Colorado), the Denver field office may look to change Wyoming’s poor ranking through vigilant enforcement of equal pay charges that come into its office. 

Steps to Avoid Additional Scrutiny 

Because the EEOC is giving priority status to these types of charges, you need to take time to review your compliance efforts related to these issues. First, take a look at your reasonable accommodation process. Have you trained your managers and supervisors to recognize when an accommodation is being requested? Do you engage in an interactive process with the applicants and employees who make accommodation requests? Be certain to document your interactive process and all accommodations decisions you make. Second, review your policies as they relate to pregnant employees. Make sure that you do not treat pregnancy less favorably than other medical conditions and consider possible ADA accommodations if circumstances so warrant. Third, audit your pay grades and compensation structure to make sure that you are paying workers doing the same work equally, regardless of gender. 

Next Installment Will Focus on Final Two EEOC Priorities 

In the next and final article in this series, we will offer insight into the last two of the EEOC’s strategic priorities. Both are areas in which the EEOC has vigorously sued employers whose policies and practices it deems are discriminatory, so stay tuned.

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March 9, 2015

DOL May Issue Interpretations of FLSA Exemptions Without Notice-and-Comment Process

Mark Wiletsky of Holland & Hart

By Mark Wiletsky 

Today the Supreme Court sided with the U.S. Department of Labor (DOL), holding that a federal agency’s interpretive rules are exempt from notice-and-comment rulemaking procedures. Perez v. Mortgage Bankers Ass’n, 575 U.S. ___ (2015). The Court’s decision means that the DOL (and other federal agencies) may issue initial and amended interpretive rules without advance notice and without considering input from interested parties. 

DOL “Flip-Flopped” on Interpretive FLSA Rule 

In this case, the Mortgage Bankers Association (MBA) challenged the DOL’s most recent interpretation on whether loan officers fell within the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) administrative exemption following a series of “flip-flops” in the DOL’s interpretation. In 1999 and 2001, the DOL issued opinion letters stating that mortgage-loan officers do not qualify for the administrative exemption to overtime pay requirements. After new regulations regarding the exemption were issued in 2004, the MBA requested a new interpretation under the revised regulations. In 2006, the DOL issued an opinion letter in which it changed its position, deciding that mortgage-loan officers do qualify for the administrative exemption. In 2010, however, the DOL changed its interpretation again when it withdrew the 2006 opinion letter and issued an Administrator’s Interpretation without notice or comment stating that loan officers once again do not fall within the administrative exemption. 

The MBA sued the DOL, claiming that the DOL needed to use the notice-and-comment process established by the Administrative Procedure Act (APA) when it planned to issue a new interpretation of a regulation that differs significantly from its prior interpretation. 

Distinction Between Legislative Rules and Interpretive Rules 

In a unanimous decision, the U.S. Supreme Court ruled that the text of the APA specifically excludes interpretive rules from the notice-and-comment process, so the DOL was free to change its interpretation on loan officers qualifying for the administrative exemption without providing advance notice or seeking public comment first. The Court pointed to the difference between “legislative rules” that have the force and effect of law, which must go through the notice-and-comment period, and “interpretive rules” that do not have the force and effect of law and, therefore, are not subject to the notice-and-comment obligation. 

Finding that the clear text of the APA exempted interpretive rules from the notice-and-comment process, the Court overruled prior precedent in a line of cases that has come to be known as the Paralyzed Veterans doctrine. Under that doctrine, if an agency had given its regulation a definitive interpretation, the agency needed to use the APA’s notice-and-comment process before issuing a significantly revised interpretation. The Court’s ruling today specifies that no notice or comment process is needed for interpretive rules, whether it is an initial interpretation or a subsequently revised one. 

Implications of Court’s Decision 

Today’s ruling means that the DOL’s interpretation excluding mortgage-loan officers from the administrative exemption stands. More broadly, it means that federal agencies, such as the DOL, are permitted to issue and amend interpretations of their regulations that will take effect immediately without any advance notice to the regulated parties. Accordingly, employers should stay on top of new developments so as not to miss any new regulatory interpretations that may impact their employment practices.  

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March 2, 2015

EEOC Strategic Enforcement Priorities: Insight from Denver’s Director (Part One)

EEOCBy Jude Biggs  

Knowing the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission’s (EEOC’s) top priorities can help you direct your risk management efforts and avoid enhanced scrutiny. John Lowrie, the new director of the EEOC’s Denver Field Office, recently spoke to the Labor and Employment Section of the Colorado Bar Association about the agency’s national Strategic Enforcement Plan (SEP) and how his office will approach those enforcement goals. This article is the first in a series that will share Mr. Lowrie’s insight into how EEOC investigators and attorneys in the Denver Field Office work toward fulfilling the national enforcement priorities. 

Certain EEOC Charges Get Immediate Attention 

The Denver field office currently has 12.5 investigators, 7 attorneys, 3 mediators and 1 administrative law judge. With the volume of charges received by the Denver office remaining steady at between 1,800 to 2,000 charges each year, charges alleging certain types of claims get enhanced attention which can include immediate review by the legal staff, up to and including the director himself. 

Which charges receive this immediate attention? Any charge that touches on one of the EEOC’s six national strategic enforcement priorities. Here we discuss the first two priorities in the national SEP, including Mr. Lowrie’s perspective from the Denver Field Office. 

Priority #1 – Remove Barriers to Employment 

According to Field Director Lowrie, there are two main components to the EEOC’s first enforcement priority of removing barriers to employment: (1) arrest and conviction records, and (2) medical screening questions and procedures.  If a charge alleges discriminatory use of criminal background checks in hiring or the inappropriate timing or use of medical questions or exams, the EEOC will escalate that charge for immediate review. 

The EEOC has brought several high-profile lawsuits in the past few years alleging that blanket “no hire” policies that prohibit hiring an applicant with a criminal record have a discriminatory impact on African Americans and other protected classes in violation of Title VII. In the Peoplemark case, however, the EEOC was ordered to pay the prevailing employer over $750,000 in attorneys’ and expert witness fees when the court ruled that no company-wide criminal background check policy existed, an allegation that was essential to the EEOC’s case. Similarly, in the Freeman case, a federal appeals court recently upheld the dismissal of the EEOC’s case, calling its expert’s analysis “utterly unreliable.” Despite its losses, the EEOC is pursuing claims based on criminal background checks, with lawsuits against BMW, Dollar General and other companies still ongoing. 

Priority #2 – Vulnerable Workers 

The second strategic enforcement priority is the protection of vulnerable workers. Field Director Lowrie explained that this includes agricultural workers, immigrant and migrant workers and mentally disabled workers. 

When discussing immigrant and migrant workers, Mr. Lowrie noted the EEOC does not look at whether the workers are authorized to work in the U.S. or if they are in the country illegally, commenting that the EEOC is not ICE or Homeland Security. Instead, the EEOC looks to enforce the anti-discrimination laws under its jurisdiction so that employers do not escape enforcement just because they use unauthorized workers. 

As for protecting mentally disabled workers, Mr. Lowrie specifically mentioned the EEOC’s win in a case against a turkey farm in the Midwest in which over thirty men with intellectual disabilities were housed in substandard facilities, denied medical care and harassed both verbally and physically for years. 

Stay Tuned for Insight into Other Top EEOC Priorities 

In the next few weeks, we will explore the EEOC’s remaining strategic priorities. In the meantime, review your background check policy to ensure you do not have a blanket “no hire” criminal record exclusion. Check that your employment application does not state that applicants will be automatically excluded if they have a criminal record. Make sure that you do not ask for medical information, such as family medical history, or send applicants for a medical exam until after a conditional job offer has been made. Be careful with wellness programs, ensuring they are voluntary. And if you employ vulnerable workers, make certain that your policies and practices do not single them out for disparate treatment in pay, job assignments or other conditions of employment.

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February 23, 2015

Exempt Employee Salary Deductions for a Reduced Schedule

Brad CaveBy Brad Cave

Classifying an employee as exempt under the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) comes with a trade-off.  Most employers know that exempt employees are not entitled to overtime.  But, in exchange for that benefit, the FLSA limits employers’ ability to reduce the exempt employee’s salary, even when they are not coming to work.  However, exempt employees are not immune from needing time off of work to recover from a medical condition, to settle an aging parent into an assisting living arrangement or to handle a long-term behavioral issue with a child. If an employee seeks some time off each week to take care of such matters, you may agree to allow the employee to work a reduced work schedule for a period of time. But when payday rolls around, must you pay the employee his or her full weekly salary or can you deduct pay to reflect the reduced work schedule? Missing this answer can have significant ramifications for the employee’s exempt status.

FLSA Salary Basis

Under the Fair Labor Standards Act, exempt employees’ pay must meet the salary basis test, which means that the employee must receive a predetermined amount of salary for each workweek, without reductions because of variations in the quality or quantity of work during the week. Thus, deductions from salary for reduced working hours is generally not permitted under the salary basis test. Deducting pay for the missed time could result in the loss of the employee’s exempt status. However, two exceptions may apply to your employee.

FMLA Leave Can Result in Pay Deduction

If the employee’s reduced schedule constitutes unpaid leave under the Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA), the FLSA regulations permit employers to “pay a proportionate part of the full salary for time actually worked” without risk to the exempt status. This means that if your employee is missing work for an FMLA-qualifying reason, you may deduct pay from their weekly salary to reflect the unpaid FMLA leave time.

PTO, Sick Leave or Other Paid Leaves

If the employee has accrued PTO, sick leave or another type of company-provided paid leave, you can require that the employee use such paid leave to cover the partial day absences, as long as the employee continues to receive the full amount of their weekly salary. And, once the employee uses up all of their accrued paid leave, you can make salary deductions for full-day, but not partial-day, absences.

Saved Wages Vs. Loss of Exempt Status

Deductions from an exempt employee’s salary should be made only after careful consideration of the potential consequences. After all, the salary you save now for missed time may seem trivial if you lose the exempt status of this and all similarly-situated employees and owe them overtime for the past two years.

February 16, 2015

Lessons From a $15M Discrimination Verdict

Mark Wiletsky of Holland & HartBy Mark Wiletsky 

A Colorado federal jury reportedly awarded $15 million last week to 11 workers who claimed they had been subject to workplace harassment, discrimination and retaliation because of their race and national origin. Ten of the 11 current and former workers who sued their employer, a trucking and mail-sorting company at Denver International Airport, were black men. Three had been born in the United States and the remaining seven were from Mali, Guinea and Brazil. Their allegations included that racist comments pervaded the workplace, that they were discriminated in work assignments, layoffs and pay and were segregated into certain unfavorable job categories and shifts, and that they faced retaliation after complaining about the harassment and discrimination. 

Although we do not know exactly which facts or claims persuaded the jury to award this large sum, the fact that the jury awarded $13 million dollars for punitive damages suggests that it believed the company’s actions (or inactions) were particularly bad. 

What can you learn from this significant discrimination verdict? Even if the verdict is later reversed or reduced, you can learn what not to do when managing a racially and ethnically diverse workforce. 

Ignoring Complaints and Promoting the Harassers 

The workers in this case alleged that they complained internally about racist comments and slurs made by supervisors, leads and co-workers and that nothing was done. Examples of some supposed comments directed toward the workers were “lazy, stupid Africans,” “go back to your f***ing country,” “they need to fire all the n***ers here” as well as regular use of the N-word. Instead of stopping the comments, management supposedly turned a deaf ear and even promoted some of those who made the slurs. 

Don’t ignore inappropriate comments when you hear them. It is up to you to stop racial and ethnic slurs immediately and take action to ensure they are not pervasive in your workplace. If an employee complains about discriminatory name-calling and threats, you need to investigate the report and take appropriate action. Be sure to confirm—in writing—that you met with the accuser(s) to discuss the results of your investigation, and ensure there is no retaliation. Then follow-up again to ensure things have improved. Doing so will demonstrate your commitment to a workplace free from discrimination and harassment – so long as you are prepared to take action against those who violate your policies. 

Failing to Enforce EEO and Harassment Policies 

You likely have an Equal Employment Opportunity and a Harassment policy in your employee handbook, but they do no good if you fail to enforce them. Review your policies, train your supervisors on them and enforce them uniformly and consistently. 

Retaliating Against Those Who Complain or Their Supporters 

The eleventh worker who sued the trucking company in this case was a white man who offered support for the African workers and provided evidence supporting their allegations. After being terminated from his job, he alleged his firing was in retaliation for his support. 

Retaliation is within company control and in many cases, is preventable. Train your supervisors not to treat an employee who has complained of discrimination or harassment, or who has participated in a charge or lawsuit, differently than other employees are treated. Carefully analyze any adverse decision that would affect such an employee and make sure your decision is based on legitimate business reasons and is well-documented, in case you have to defend a retaliation complaint. 

Fifteen Million Reasons To Do It Right 

You don’t want to end up in front of a jury defending your employment practices, but if you find yourself in that position, you want to be able to show a jury you did everything you could to prevent discrimination and harassment in your workplace. If you don’t take those actions, a jury may very well punish you for it.

December 1, 2014

Colorado’s 2015 Minimum Wage Hike

Biggs_JBy Jude Biggs 

Amid legislative efforts to raise the federal minimum wage, the Colorado minimum wage is set to go up by 23 cents to $8.23 per hour automatically on January 1, 2015.  The state minimum wage is adjusted annually for inflation, as required by Article XVIII, Section 15, of the Colorado Constitution.  The minimum wage for tipped employees will be $5.21 per hour.

Employees Subject to the Colorado Minimum Wage

Colorado employees are entitled to the state minimum wage in two situations, namely if covered by (1) Colorado Minimum Wage Order Number 31 (Minimum Wage Order); or (2) the minimum wage provisions of the federal Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA).  The Minimum Wage Order applies to certain employers/employees for work performed within the state of Colorado in the following four industries:

  1. Retail and Service
  2. Commercial Support Service
  3. Food and Beverage
  4. Health and Medical

Each industry is defined within the Minimum Wage Order.  Employers covered by the Minimum Wage Order must comply with not only the minimum pay requirements, but also obligations related to meal and rest periods, overtime pay, uniforms, recordkeeping and other labor standards.

Employees subject to the minimum wage provisions of the FLSA (and therefore, also entitled to the Colorado minimum wage) include those non-exempt workers performing work involved in interstate commerce and those working for a business or organization that has two or more employees and has an annual dollar volume of business of at least $500,000 or a hospital, school, government agency or residential medical or nursing facility, regardless of annual sales. 

If an employee is subject to both the state and federal minimum wage laws, they are entitled to be paid the higher of the two hourly minimum rates of pay.  At present rates, the $8.23 Colorado minimum wage trumps the federal $7.25 minimum hourly rate so employers must pay their non-exempt employees working in Colorado at the higher Colorado rate.

Inflation Adjustment Based on Consumer Price Index

The Constitutionally required annual adjustment in the Colorado minimum wage is measured by the Consumer Price Index (CPI) for Colorado.  According to the federal Bureau of Labor Statistics, the CPI for the Denver-Boulder-Greeley metropolitan area of Colorado increased 2.9 percent from the first half of 2013 to the first half of 2014.  The overall increase was driven by a nearly 5.0 percent increase in costs for housing as well as a 3.9 percent increase in energy costs and a 2.0 percent increase in food prices.  The 2.9 percent raise in the CPI for Colorado was then applied to the 2014 state minimum wage of $8.00 per hour, resulting in a 23 cent per hour increase in the minimum wage for 2015.

Plan Now for the January 1st Wage Increase

Businesses and organizations with employees who are subject to Colorado’s minimum wage should take steps now to update their payroll systems and practices in order to implement the new minimum wage on January 1, 2015.  Employers that use an outside payroll vendor should confirm that the payroll provider has programmed the new Colorado minimum wage in their systems to take effect on January 1.  Note, too, that employers subject to the Colorado Minimum Wage Order must post a copy of the new Minimum Wage Order in their workplace in an area frequented by employees where it may be easily read during the workday.  The Colorado Department of Labor and Employment, Division of Labor, provides a copy of Minimum Wage Order Number 31 at

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November 17, 2014

When Key Employees Go To A Competitor

Wiletsky_MBy Mark Wiletsky 

Your executives and top salespeople have access to your most valuable business strategies, sales contacts, growth plans and innovations.  What do you do when one (or more) of your key employees leaves to work for a competitor?  Without the correct agreements in place to protect your proprietary information, you may have little recourse. 

Don’t Rely on a Court to Protect Your Business Information 

When a key employee leaves to go to a competitor, the former employer often scrambles to seek a court injunction to prevent the employee from working for the competitor and to stop the employee from disclosing or using trade secrets and confidential information.  But courts are not always willing to prevent an employee from moving on, especially if the company does not have a reasonable and otherwise enforceable non-compete agreement in place. 

In a recent case in Colorado, a high level executive used his company-issued laptop to send an email containing his business contacts to his personal email address as he began negotiating to work for a competitor.  He also downloaded some business information onto a personal external hard drive and thumb drive and kept physical copies of certain business documents in a box in his car.  About three weeks later, the competitor hired the executive. 

There was no evidence that the competitor requested or obtained from the executive any confidential information, the executive had signed only a nondisclosure agreement with his former employer, and the executive agreed to an injunction preventing him from using his former employers confidential information or trade secrets.  Nevertheless, the former employer asked the federal court in Colorado to prevent the executive from working as the competitor’s President for one year, arguing that he had threatened or would inevitably disclose its trade secrets in his new job.  Despite the executive’s decision to transfer information to his personal devices just before leaving the company, the court denied the company’s request, citing a lack of evidence that the executive had or would use his former company’s trade secrets to its competitive disadvantage.  Cargill Inc. v. Kuan, No. 14-cv-2325 (D.Colo. Oct. 20, 2014).  The judge noted that enjoining the executive from working for the competitor would, in effect, afford his former employer something it could have obtained or bargained for: a covenant not-to-compete. 

Employment-Related Agreements to Consider 

Keeping proprietary information confidential can be key to the future prosperity and competitiveness of your business.  You can help protect that information from walking out the door by having key employees sign one or more of the following agreements: 

  • Non-compete agreement: the restriction on working for a competitor must be reasonable in time and geographic scope, and comply with other applicable state law requirements;
  • Confidentiality agreement: requires employees to keep secret your company’s trade secrets and other proprietary information;
  • Non-solicitation agreement: restricts an employee from soliciting customers (who must be defined in the agreement) or from soliciting other employees to go to work elsewhere; and
  • Assignment of inventions: any products, inventions, innovations and other developments created during the worker’s employment are assigned to and owned by the company. 

Depending on the circumstances, you may want to incorporate some or all of these provisions into a single agreement, and you may need to address varying state law requirements (or choice of law and venue issues) depending on where your employees are located.  However, be careful to tailor your agreements to each type of key employee.  For example, the non-compete for your CEO or general manager may need different restrictions than a similar agreement for your Regional Sales Manager.  And be sure not to use a non-compete with all employees—including lower level ones who have no need for such post-employment restrictions—because it will diminish your justification for asking a higher-level employee to sign the same or similar agreement. 

The bottom line is that you need to be proactive in protecting your vital assets, including your confidential information and your key employees.  Taking steps now to implement proper agreements will go a long way in protecting your business down the road when key employees decide to depart.

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